BioKissed is committed to sourcing the highest quality and most sustainable essential oils. We can’t wait for you to experience the powerful impact they can have on your health and wellbeing.
Ancient Learnings
The therapeutic use of aromatic plant oils have been documented for thousands of years–from the Vedic communities of ancient India, to China, Arabia and of course, Ancient Greece. Oils were used for healing, calming, for spiritual purposes, and as perfume.
The most powerful essential oils are carefully extracted from raw ingredients found in nature. These essences are obtained from certain plant roots, trees, seeds, rinds, flowers, spices, and bark.
Nature’s Intelligence
Every essential oil contains unique properties. Therefore, the proper use of essential oil is vital. Some are so powerful they should only be used for aromatherapy. Others are used beneficially topically and internally.
Essential oils bring the mind and body into harmony. It is the wisdom of nature’s soul. The plant intelligence works on a cellular level to heal, repair and relax.
The world is overflowing with lab-made toxic products – including toothpaste, skincare, and plastic fabrics. Essential oils put your trust back in nature, and replace these normalised products with Mother Nature herself. BioKissed makes a toxin-free lifestyle possible.
Quality Over Quantity
BioKissed sources the highest quality essential oils.
Our process requires a special relationship with the local farmers. It must be as sustainable as possible. We have sought out perfect crops, from the best farms, in the most ideal locations in the world. Everything from soil quality to harvesting conditions is vetted in order to produce superior quality oils.
We also aim to increase the prosperity of local farmers and their communities. It is an honour to support them.
Why BioKissed?
After all the blessings Mother Earth provides us, it is our duty to nurture and protect this planet. We believe in environmental protection to maintain top-quality essential oils and to preserve this planet for the future.
To protect our planet, we have made it our mission to pioneer ecological, sustainable packaging.
Every drop is stored in a custom-made amber glass bottle, with a recycled-wood lid. BioKissed ensures every detail is as eco-friendly or biodegradable as possible.
BioKissed promises you a 100% natural, pure experience. Let’s treasure and preserve our Earth for the next generation.