Enjoy the delicious and easy-to-prepare Simple Sauteed Baby Bok Choy, which tastes great and helps maintain balanced calcium levels in your body. This recipe is packed with essential nutrients that support your overall health.
Baby bok choy, known for its mild taste and tender texture, is a valuable source of calcium, vitamin K, and magnesium. These nutrients aid calcium absorption and utilization, making this dish tasty and nutritionally beneficial.
Recipe Benefits
Eating baby bok choy is beneficial for overall health in several ways. Firstly, it is a natural source of calcium that promotes strong bones and healthy bodily functions. This leafy green vegetable also contains vitamin K, crucial for calcium metabolism and bone health.
The magnesium content in baby bok choy also supports calcium absorption and contributes to various physiological processes. Lastly, a simple sautéed baby bok choy dish is both flavorful and versatile, offering a delicious way to incorporate calcium-rich greens into your diet.
For 4 servings
- 250 grams baby bok choy
- 4 tbsp vegetable oil
- 3 cloves of garlic, finely chopped
- 1/2 tsp finely chopped ginger
- One spring onion finely sliced
- 2 tbsp oyster sauce
- 1/2 tsp sesame oil
- 1/2 tsp ground pepper
- 1 tsp salt
- 250 ml chicken stock
- 1/2 tsp starch dissolved in water
- Wash the baby bok choy thoroughly and allow it to drain.
- Boil enough water in a pan and add a pinch of salt. Briefly boil the baby bok choy, then immediately drain and soak it in ice water until cold. Make sure it is dry.
- Heat some oil in a frying pan. Saute garlic and ginger in the pan until they become fragrant.
- Add the bokchoy, oyster sauce, sesame oil, pepper, and salt. Mix well.
- Pour in the chicken stock and stir until it boils. Then, pour in the starch solution and stir until the mixture thickens.
- Finally, remove the pan from heat and serve immediately.
Nutritional Information
Per serving
- Calories: 226,8 kcal
- Protein: 2,1 g
- Fat: 21,7 g
- Carbohydrates: 7,4 g
- Fiber: 1,4 g
- Calcium: 13,2 mg
Based on Nutrisurvey
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