Are you seeking healthier dietary choices that align with your specific health needs?
If you are, the tuna salad might be the perfect dish for you.
This salad is delicious and carefully crafted to cater to the dietary considerations of individuals with hypercalciuria.
This tuna salad achieves the delicate balance of being low in calcium and protein, making it an ideal choice for those looking to regulate calcium levels in urine.
Packed with various fresh and nutritious ingredients, such as crisp lettuce, vibrant cabbage, refreshing cucumber, and protein-rich tuna, this salad proves that mindful eating can significantly promote overall well-being.
Recipe Benefits
- If you are looking for a healthy meal option, consider a salad that offers a variety of health benefits.
- This salad is ideal for individuals managing conditions like hypercalciuria as it is low in calcium and protein.
- Cucumbers, lettuce, and red cabbage provide an array of vitamins, minerals, and fiber to support overall health.
- Additionally, the tuna in the salad offers a lean source of protein, which is essential for muscle health and satiety.
- Last but not least, the salad is topped with olive oil, which contributes healthy fats, adding to the satiating nature of the salad and supporting overall well-being.
Ingredients for 1 serving:
- lettuce 35 gram
- iceberg lettuce 25 gram
- red cabbage 10 gram
- cucumber 20 gram
- lemon 1 slice
- sweet corn 20 gram
- tuna 30 gram
- egg 3 slices (1/2 whole egg)
- olive oil 3 tbsp
- honey 2 tbsp
- pepper 1 tsp
- minced garlic 1 clove
- minced coriander leaves 10 gram
- lemon juice 1 tsp
- sesame seeds 1 tsp
- Start by preparing the vegetables and cutting them into small pieces.
- Cut the tuna and egg into bite-sized pieces.
- Mix olive oil, honey, pepper, garlic, coriander leaves, and lemon juice until it forms a smooth and well-blended sauce to make the honey lime dressing.
- Finally, sprinkle sesame seeds on the top of the dressing.
- Mix the vegetables with the honey lime dressing thoroughly.
- Serve and enjoy your delicious and healthy salad!
Nutritional Information
Per serving:
- Calories: 318.6 kcal
- Protein: 13.1 g
- Fat: 17.3 g
- Carbohydrates: 28 g
- Fiber: 4.1 g
- Calcium: 109.4 mg
Based on Nutrisurvey
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