Our bodies rely on magnesium for muscle and nerve function, energy production, and strong bones.
While crucial, too much can cause issues.
Luckily, managing magnesium is easy with a balanced diet!
Enter these Healthy Blueberry Bars.
Blueberries are superstars: packed with antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals like magnesium.
They boast amazing benefits like reducing inflammation, supporting heart health, boosting brain function, and strengthening your immune system.
Adding them to your diet isn’t just a tasty treat, it’s a smart health choice!
Recipe Benefits
- Blueberries are delicious and packed with antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals like magnesium. They have awesome benefits like reducing inflammation, supporting heart health, boosting brain function, and strengthening the immune system. So, adding blueberries to your diet isn’t just about enjoying a tasty snack; it’s also an excellent choice for your overall health.
- Nuts, rich in healthy fats, protein, fiber, and magnesium, are a versatile and easy addition to any diet. While the magnesium content varies between different types of nuts, they all supply essential nutrients that promote overall health. By incorporating nuts into your balanced diet, you’re not just regulating magnesium levels, but also lowering the risk of hypermagnesiuria, all while enjoying a delicious and satisfying snack.
- Rolled oats are a wholesome whole grain packed with fiber, vitamins, minerals, and magnesium. Oats support satiety, digestive health, and blood sugar control. Including oats in the diet aids in magnesium absorption and helps maintain balanced magnesium levels.
- Almond flour is a gluten-free substitute for traditional wheat flour and is naturally low in carbohydrates while being high in magnesium. Almond flour offers healthy fats, protein, and fiber, supporting magnesium intake and promoting heart health and blood sugar regulation.
- Dates are naturally sweet and packed with fiber, vitamins, minerals, and magnesium. In addition to adding natural sweetness to recipes, dates provide essential nutrients that promote overall health. Consuming dates helps regulate magnesium levels and supports digestive health.
Ingredients for 12 servings:
- 1 cup frozen blueberries
- 1/3 cup nuts
- 1 ¾ cup rolled oats
- 1/2 cup almond flour
- 1/4 teaspoon salt
- 1/2 cup dates
- 2 tablespoons olive oil
- 2 tablespoons maple syrup
- 1/2 teaspoon vanilla
- 1 large egg
- Thaw 1 cup frozen blueberries. Preheat oven to 350°F (175°C) and line a baking pan with parchment paper (leave overhang for easy removal).
- Make the oat flour: pulse 1 cup of rolled oats in a food processor until fine (15 seconds). Add almond flour and salt, and pulse to combine.
- Pulse in dates until roughly chopped. Add oil, maple syrup, vanilla, and egg, and process for 15 seconds. Pulse in remaining oats (10 times).
- Pulse in blueberries a few times (mixture will be purple with some whole berries).
- Press the mixture evenly into the prepared pan. Sprinkle with chopped nuts and press lightly to adhere.
- Bake 20-25 minutes until the edges are golden brown. Cool completely on a wire rack or freeze for 1 hour to speed up the process.
- Cut into 12 bars. Store in the fridge for 1 week or freeze for up to 3 months.
Enjoy these delicious and healthy bars for a satisfying snack that supports your overall well-being!
Nutritional Information
Per serving:
- Calories: 167.2 kcal
- Protein: 4.6 g
- Fat: 8.7 g
- Carbohydrates: 18.9 g
- Fiber: 4.3 g
- Magnesium: 9 g
Based on Nutrisurvey
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