Forget fidget spinners, network marketers! The next sustainable product trend might surprise you: cicadas. These buzzing insects emerging in the Midwest are gaining serious cred in the food world – think cicada tempura, tacos, and even sushi! They’re not just delicious (nutty flavor, crunchy texture!) but also eco-friendly. Cicadas require way less land and water and are less polluted than cows and chickens.
But with climate change and a growing population straining our food systems, this sustainable protein source faces a hurdle: the “ick” factor. Here’s where you, the eco-conscious network marketer, come in! We can lead the charge toward a more sustainable future by introducing cicadas to our networks in a fun and informative way. Let’s break down those cultural barriers and make a buzz about sustainable food!
Here’s how:
- Cicadas: A Sustainable Feast Cicadas are an eco-friendly protein source and can be part of a delicious and nutritious diet. Did you know you can whip up tasty treats like Tempura Cicadas or surprise your guests with Emergence Cookies featuring a hint of cicada?
- Breaking Down the Barriers: Entomophagy for Network Marketers We’re here to equip you with information to change the conversation around edible insects.
- Overcoming the “Ick” Factor: Shift the focus to the delicious flavors and textures, creating a positive association that eases people into the idea of edible insects.
- Framing Entomophagy as a Positive Trend: Highlight the environmental benefits and culinary innovation to position Entomophagy (eating insects) as a positive and exciting trend.
- Becoming a Sustainable Food Thought Leader: Empower yourself to become a thought leader by educating your network about this emerging insect-based food market.
- Bug Appetit! Parties: Building buzz around sustainable food; get creative! Host events that introduce people to insect-based foods in a fun and informative way. Think Cicada Pizza tastings paired with educational materials about the environmental benefits of Entomophagy!
The insect-based food market is booming and is expected to reach a whopping $8 billion by 2030. Let’s get ahead of the curve and introduce this exciting new trend to our network. Who knows, cicada cookies may become the next big thing! But eat with care: seafood allergies may apply!
So, what do you say? Ready to get buggy for the planet? Let’s dive into the world of edible insects and make a buzz about sustainability!
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