Are you looking for a delicious and simple dish that also cares for your magnesium levels?
Look no further than easy cinnamon apples!
These tenderly cooked apples taste excellent and offer a low-magnesium option for those looking to maintain a balanced diet.
With the enticing aroma of cinnamon wafting through the air, this recipe is the perfect indulgent treat that also aligns with dietary considerations for those seeking to regulate magnesium levels in their urine.
Recipe Benefits
- For those seeking to reduce magnesium levels in urine, apples present a suitable option as they are low in magnesium.
- Cinnamon is more than just a flavor enhancer; it also contains antioxidants that promote overall health and well-being.
- Honey, a natural sweetener, can be used instead of refined sugars to impart sweetness to the dish.
- This simple and wholesome recipe makes it an easy and enjoyable way to add apples to your diet while providing essential nutrients and natural sweetness.
Ingredients for 4 servings:
- 3 apples (about 3 cups, chopped)
- 2 tbs water
- 1 tbs coconut oil
- 1 tbs honey
- ½ tsp cinnamon
- pinch of salt
- ¼ tsp pure vanilla extract
- Cut the apples into evenly sized pieces, around 2.5 cm cubes.
- Take a skillet and put the apple pieces into it. Add 2 tablespoons of water.
- Cover the skillet and cook over medium heat for approximately 5 minutes. Stir occasionally until the apples become slightly soft and the water is absorbed.
- Add 1 tablespoon of oil to the skillet. Stir the apples and oil together until all the apples are coated. Cook for 5 minutes, stirring every minute or so, until the apples become soft. You may need to cover them for the last 2 minutes.
- Once the apples have become soft, add the honey, cinnamon, salt, and vanilla extract to the skillet. Stir until everything is well mixed. Cook for about 5 more minutes, stirring every minute until the apples reach your desired softness.
- Remove from heat and serve! Enjoy your delicious cooked apples.
Nutritional Information
Per serving:
- Calories: 95.3 kcal
- Protein: 0.35 g
- Fat: 4.15 g
- Carbohydrates: 14.3 g
- Fiber: 2.4 g
- Magnesium: 6.2 mg
Based on Nutrisurvey
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