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How TCM Nourishes Your Most Important Digestive Organs

There are days when I have to drag myself out of bed, feeling sluggish and foggy despite a seemingly restful night’s sleep.

Have you ever had this, too?

This lingering heaviness, the one that clouds your minds and saps your energy, could be like a red flag, signaling an imbalance within your inner powerhouses.

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), these powerhouses are your spleen and stomach.

Sometimes, they need extra care.

In TCM, the spleen and stomach are the foundation of good health.

They play a crucial role in the digestion and absorption of nutrients, ensuring your bodies receive the vital energy needed to thrive.

Just like a strong foundation is essential for a sturdy building, a healthy spleen and stomach are crucial to overall wellness.

In TCM, the spleen and stomach are the foundation of good health.

They play a crucial role in the digestion and absorption of nutrients, ensuring your bodies receive the vital energy needed to thrive.

Just like a strong foundation is essential for a sturdy building, a healthy spleen and stomach are crucial to overall wellness.

But how can you support these vital organs through your dietary choices?

Here are some simple yet powerful tips based on TCM principles:

Embrace the Warmth

Imagine the spleen and stomach as furnaces, needing warmth to function optimally.

In TCM, cold or raw foods are believed to weaken these organs.

Opt for warm, cooked meals to nourish your digestive fire.

Steamed vegetables, soups, and warm grains are excellent choices.

Ditch the icy drinks and embrace herbal teas or warm water to keep your internal furnace stoked.

Beware the Dampness

Dampness, in TCM, refers to an accumulation of heavy and sluggish energy within the body.

This condition can create a breeding ground for digestive discomfort and hinder spleen function.

Limit foods that are considered “damp-producing,” like fried items, greasy foods, and excessive dairy.

Instead, focus on light, easily digestible meals rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.

Listen to Your Body

Your body is your best guide regarding portion sizes.

Overeating can overwhelm your digestive system, leading to sluggishness and discomfort. Instead of focusing on “clean plates,” practice mindful eating.

Stop when you feel comfortably full and savor each bite.

Chewing your food thoroughly also plays a crucial role in aiding digestion and reducing the workload on your spleen and stomach.

Tap into the Power of TCM Food Remedies

Nature provides a diverse pantry of healing allies.

Here are a few TCM food remedies to support your digestive power:

  • Ginger: This fiery root is considered a “qi mover” in TCM, stimulating the spleen and stomach to improve digestion. Incorporate it into stir-fries or soups, or enjoy it as a soothing ginger tea.
  • Mung Beans: These versatile legumes are believed to possess cooling properties, clearing dampness and supporting spleen function. Enjoy them in soups, salads, or even as a sweet dessert porridge.
  • Hawthorn Berries: These tart berries are known as “regulators of Qi” in TCM. They are believed to aid digestion and improve circulation, making them a great addition to soups and stews or enjoyed as tea.

Remember, these are just general guidelines, and individual needs may vary.

A qualified TCM practitioner can provide personalized recommendations based on your specific constitution and health concerns.

By incorporating these simple dietary practices, you can nurture your “inner powerhouses,” the spleen and stomach, and cultivate a vibrant foundation for health and well-being.

So, listen to your body, embrace the warmth, and unlock the incredible potential of your digestive system!


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